
Helping you exceed your self perceptions.

What is mindset

Mindset can be defined as the etablished set of attitudes held by someone. Essentially meaning how you think, feel, behave, your values, your outlook on life and beliefs we hold. Buidling a strong mindset and being in contool of the way we think can play a significant role in determining your life's outcomes.

I don't want this page to be a cheesy motivational speech and sound like I'm someone who's perfect cause I'm not, but I believe its important for both of us to be the best version of oursleves by getting better 1% each day.

Writing down your goals

Establishing what you want out of life and writing down your goals atleast weekly will allow you to discover what you truly want. Setting goals gives you a long-term vision and a short-term motivation. Also, it is important to enjoy the journey of working towards your goals and accepting that your goals will change over time. When goal setting its always important to think bigger when writing our goals because anything thats easy in life didn't need goals and by being a scared by our big goals forces us to work harder than we would have initially.

No one is perfect

On social media it may look like people are living the best lives, however people would never want to show the bad times in their lives and it doesn't give you an accurate sense of the world around you. Its's highly important to think positively about ourselves and doing things in order to take control of your current state.

Choose your own reality

If your not liking the current life your living it is important to understand the only person that can change your situation is you. Sometimes we can get caught up not taking care of our health, negelecting important relationships, not enjoying our careers and losing control of our financial situation.

Taking action and simply going after what you want is the single most important thing about creating the life we want because if you don't go after it you will never get it. However, remebering you aren't alone and you can reach out to friends and people who have done what you want to do but you have to make the decision to intially reach out.

Practice and just showing up

Working hard towards your goals can often be challenging as it may seem like we are wasting our time, money and self doubt can start to dawn on us. By showing up and putting in the work over time, that immersion can open new doors that we never thought possible.

Building self discpline

People think that watching motivational videos and reading motiavtional quotes will help them to be motivated. ALthough, it might help intially, consistently doing the things to allow you to get better will become a habit and make you feel more fulfilled. Self discpline is a learnt skill from simply showing up when times you don't feel like it and pushing yourself past your comfort zone.

How to develop a strong mindset

Sometimes we can feel like were not getting anywhere and old bad habits can start to creep back in. Gaining confidence from doing hard tasks that improve our life will brings you fulfillment and the ability to stay focused on our intentions, instead of negative thoughts. A famous quote said by actor Denzel WWashington, states 'when you fall throughout life, don't fall back, fall forward'.

Don't compare yourself

Understanding that everyone has had different upbringings, different experiences with schooling and . Knowing that your only competition is who you were yestedrday and simply trying to be your best self. This is because to much comparison can lead to becoming frustrated with ourselves and lowering our self-esteem.

Building habits

Essentially our habits decide our future, so building good habits can help us to put us in the best position possible. Evaluating ourselves and being self aware of our habits is the first step then determining how to go about changing them will allow you to build new good habits. Some examples of effective daily habits that will help your future might look like:

  • Not snoozing our alarms
  • Brushing our teeth morning and night
  • Self education everyday either reading or listening to some educational content
  • Exercising daily either playing sport, getting outside or going to the gym
  • Eating a balanced diet from whole foods