
About me

Firstly I just want to say, I really appreicate you for taking the time out of your day to read articles from my website.

So, hello readers, my name is Daniel and since my teenage years I have been on a self improvement journey wanting to learn more about life and live up to my potiential. I am a generally curious person wanting to experience everything life has to offer.

After years of reading books, going to the gym and learning about personal finance I thought I would share the knowledge I have gained to potientially help someone else starting out on their journey.

Why did I make this website in the first place?

I want to help people learn the basics of self development. I created this blog as a coding project to develop my skillset. And potientially if you found value through this website, I would really appreciate it if you use one of my affiliate links provided on the website.

Why should you use the information on this website?

You should use the information from this website because it will save you time researching the internet, its free content readily avaliable for you to learn and you could increase your knowledge with real world skills.